Slippery Rock Municipal Authority plans to replace a waterline on Center Street starting in the spring. You can follow the progress and sign up for updates at
A dirty or discolored water event is normally caused by sediment being stirred up when the direction or flow of water changes in the water mains. Common causes include hydrant use, hydrant...
SRMA's payment portal is experiencing a bug that is affecting most mobile users. It is causing a block within the software and redirecting the user to the beginning payment screen. If possible please...
Slippery Rock Municipal Authorities payment poral is down. We apologise for the inconvenience and are working as fast as possible to resolve this matter. To make a payment please drop check or cash...
Slippery Rock Municipal Authority now offers Online Account Management where you do more than just pay your bill. You can view and print your bill, pay your bill AND view your history and usage.
Slippery Rock Municipal Authority (SRMA) is aware of the devastating train derailment that occurred on February 3, 2023 in East Palestine, OH. We continue to...