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Water Quality Official Statement

Water Quality Official Statement

Slippery Rock Municipal Authority (SRMA) is aware of the devastating train derailment that occurred on February 3, 2023 in East Palestine, OH. We continue to diligently monitor our water supply for abnormities as well as to ensure compliance with all PA DEP requirements and regulations. The SRMWA water samples show no quality concerns. Should the PA DEP require additional testing the SRMWA will perform it as directed.


Please direct calls related to water quality concerns to our office at (724) 794-6552.


An informational document has been issued through a joint effort between the PA Department of Health and the PA Department of Environmental Protection and is available at: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/Documents/Environmental%20Health/FAQ%20NS%20Train%20Derailment_East%20Palestine%20OH.pdf


The following links are provided for additional information on the derailment.


PA DEP Southwest Regional Office



EPA East Palestine Train Derailment